Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I have 39 days left... or do I?

Technically - I have 39 days left until my March 1st due date! Wow! But at my doctor's appointment this morning he told me that he would be happy if I delivered when I was 37 or 38 weeks. That is potentially less than 3 weeks from now! He doesn't want to induce but he thinks that the baby is going to be big and he would be happier if he decided to come a few weeks early on his own! Talk about throwing things into perspective. I could basically be a mom within a couple of weeks! Holy moly!!! Of course - my mom used her super special (and always right on) way to calculate when Braylon will be born and she has me down for March 9th!

We went over our "birth plan" and my doctor was in total agreement with all of our wishes. I really love Dr. Murphy! I'm not scared of giving birth - I'm actually fascinated by the whole process of labor and delivery and I am excited to experience it. I think it is going to be amazing. We have invited both of our mom's to be in the room for delivery too. They are both really excited to get to see their first grandson born. I'll be honest - I have a little apprehension about how I will feel doing something so private in front of anyone but Andy but I figure that by the time I am pushing I won't care if the entire cast of Dancing with the stars is in my room! Our mom's are both such amazing and wonderful women and I want them to be a part of the birth.


Jeni said...

Wow that's so soon! I'm jealous!!! I'm happy to hear you're so optimistic about labor and delivery. I think that's a great way to approach it and more power to you for allowing your moms to be in the delivery room. You couldn't pay me to allow that hahaha.