Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Green Mama and gift ideas

I want to be a green mama. Andy calls me a hippie which I think is funny. Anything that is "healthy" or good for the planet earns the "hippie" title in his book. If I buy Sun Chips he calls them hippie chips (and I'm not even sure those are all that healthy). Funny husband! But I seriously try to do things that are not only good for our family but good for the planet. I am going to breastfeed. I am going to use cloth diapers. I have gotten a good chunk of baby items secondhand so that items get used again instead of purchasing new (I especially love all the hand-me-downs!). Today I decided to finally buy thank you gifts for all of my friends who have given me baby showers. They don't know it yet but they are getting these fabulous reusable shopping bags. Extravagant? No. Useful? Heck yeah! I love giving & receiving items that are recycled, handmade or good for our planet. I think these bags make great gifts that will get a ton of use. They fold up super small and will hold about what 2 plastic grocery store bags will - and they are WAY cuter than a grocery store bag! They come in lots of cute patterns and colors and are pretty affordable too. They are made by Envirosax and are available at lots of online stores.


katididit said...

Todd calls me a hippie too! Why are our husbands so anti? Don't they know we're just trying to make a difference now so that our babies have a safe, healthy world to live in? I have been using Envirosax for over a year now and I LOVE them. I use them for everything, not just grocery shopping. I'm sure your friends will love them too!

Jeni said...

That's a great thank you gift. I gave some cheap trader joe's ones as stocking stuffers this year to my family. I love using reusable bags and my hubby will painstakingly tell you that I try to recycle EVERYTHING...hahaha