Wednesday, February 4, 2009

36 Week Checkup

We had our 36 week check up this morning. Things are going great. I'm actually 80% effaced and the baby is almost to zero station. No dilation yet but the doc said that is typical because of the cervical surgery I have had. Typically after surgery a woman's cervix will totally thin out before it dilates instead of thinning and dilating at the same time. He also said that I could deliver anytime! Sweet! The baby looks great and we are guessing that he will be about 7 or 8 pounds - perfect as far as I'm concerned. My doctor and my husband actually decided that it would be really convenient for their schedules if I had the baby this weekend. Babies always come when it is convenient right?! I let them know I would see what I could do to make that happen for them!

We ordered the last of the must-have items a couple of nights ago so once those get here we are totally ready! It is really exciting to be so close and to feel so prepared. Now all we need is the little one... :)


Jeni said...

That's great! I was wondering how you were doing with both pregnancy and baby preparations. I'm jealous you're 2 weeks ahead of me, but can't wait to see photos of your new addition!

Our family said...

How exciting!!I'll be checking in to hear the BIG news. Take care and good luck.