Monday, October 20, 2008

Name Wars

Okay... the word "wars" might be a little strong. Andy and I do not agree on our number one choices for a name. I have tried really hard to be open-minded and to give his number one a shot but I just can't do it. I really dislike it. He likes mine - just not as much as he likes his own! I never thought it would be this difficult to come to an agreement.

Before we found out that we were having a boy I only had girl names that I liked. There wasn't one boy name that got me excited. Now I have a boy name that gets me excited but I am having trouble getting the husband on my team! Ugh!!!

In case anyone would like to cast their vote - the names are Marek (pronounced like Eric with an "M") or Porter. I won't even try to sway you by telling you which one is my favorite. Just let me know what you think!


Just Another Wife and Mother said...

Congrat on your boy, as well. It is really exciting and much easier to plan. I'm sorry you guys are having difficulty deciding on a name. I'm going to cast my vote, I like the name Porter Marek. Anyway, I hope that helps and hopefully you can come to an agreement. My husband and I had our boy name picked out for almost 10 years. I'm glad we didn't spend a lot of time trying to find a girl name we liked. Have a good week.

Jeni said...

I'm with baby boyd on this one. Porter Marek sounds good to me. We also had a horrible time agreeing on a boy's name, but eventually we did. For some reason, he was much more opinionated on the boy's name then the girls. Good luck. Eventually he'll wear down I betcha ;)