Monday, September 21, 2009

growing up...

My little boy is growing up! He got his first tooth about a week ago and yesterday his second one popped through. To top that - he said his first word! Aghhhh! Now dada-dada-dada-duh-da-duh-da-a-dada can be heard regularly throughout my days. It is pretty freakin' cute - it's just that these milestones seem to sneek up on me every once in a while. I realize how fast time is going by. On a lighter note... we gave Bray a pickle for the first time the other day... check out his reactions! Too cute! It took him a minute or so but he decided that he is a big fan of the pickle!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

evelyn & braylon's lucky day

Here are a few of my favorite images from a photo session last week. This was actually Braylon's first time on the swings. He doesn't look super impressed in this photo but he really liked it! I'm having so much fun with my photography and I feel like I'm starting to find my style. I can't believe I wasted so much time not doing what I love! It's been scary, challenging and a little overwhelming getting things started and every once in a while I question whether or not I've got what it takes. When it comes down to it though - I'm the only person I need to impress. I only have to live up to my own standards and I'm not in competition with anyone because there is only one me. Someone famous said something like that once. The coolest part has been the support that I've gotten from the most unexpected people. Pretty cool.