Tuesday, April 14, 2009

2 Months Young

Little "B" turned 2 months yesterday, the day after his first Easter! He goes to the doctor tomorrow so we will find out then how big he has gotten. We spent the weekend getting some of our much overdue "to-do" list done. One of the more fun projects on the list was putting Braylon's hand and foot prints on some 5 inch square canvases that I painted. The hand was challenging - I didn't think how difficult it would be to get a sleeping baby to unclench his fist - but they turned out awesome and it was totally worth it.

Braylon is such a good baby - we feel super lucky. He is super easy going and usually only wakes up once or twice at night to nurse. He really only fusses when he has a dirty diaper or when he is hungry (oh yeah - or if his mom eats tomatoes or cabbage!). He is low maintenance for sure. I think the fact that we he is still sleeping with us and that I wear him in his Moby wrap a lot has a lot to do with how content he is. He gets to come to work with me so he gets my attention all day long too. It really is much easier than I thought it would be to take care of him and work at the same time.

He is smiling a ton (but has already learned how to stop as soon as I grab the camera). I've gotten a few shots of the elusive smiles but I still haven't captured his huge "something is SUPER funny" smile. When he does that one it looks like you should hear him cracking up laughing even though no noise is coming out of him! It's awesome. I'll leave you with some photos from Easter...

Monday, April 6, 2009

Big Day

Today has been a big day and it isn't even 9 a.m.! The shoulder straps in Braylon's car seat had to be adjusted because he has already outgrown the first setting! Holy moly!!! I guess it shouldn't surprise me because he had almost grown 4 inches since he was born at his last appointment. It just seems so soon. Almost as exciting is the fact that for the first time in MONTHS I decided that I had the energy to wear real shoes! Since I got uncomfortable during my pregnancy I have been wearing "easy" shoes like my Ugg boots or flip flops. But this morning I decided that I had enough of that I finally put on my much missed Doc Marten's. It felt good. I'll leave you with a couple of precious photos - compliments of Heidi Chowen Photography!!! She took these amazing shots when Bray was only 8 days old. If you live in Durango you absolutely MUST have her take photos for your family - she is the best!!! (This is a little glimps into what we be on our birth announcements).

Thursday, April 2, 2009

7 weeks ago

7 weeks ago I had just found out that my bag of amniotic fluid had ruptured. It started leaking at about 1:45 a.m. but it took until after 8 a.m. for my doctor to get into the hospital and confirm that it had indeed broken because every test the nurses did came back negative! I was sure I was getting sent home for a false alarm until my doctor walked in after examining a swab under the microscope and said that we were having a baby that day. Little did he know that my labor would last 30 hours and we wouldn't have our baby until the next day - Friday the 13th of course! It seems like ages ago and just yesterday all at the same time. Braylon changes every day and we just keep falling deeper in love with him.

As of Tuesday he weighs 9 pounds, 1 ounce and is 22 3/4 inches long. I just can't believe how fast he is growing. Apparently, breast milk does a body good! He is getting chubby little cheeks and a round little belly too - way too cute! I don't know how I lived before he was here.