Monday, January 26, 2009


Yeah, yeah - the election is over - but that isn't what I'm talking about here! A few friends of mine have decided to start voting on when little Braylon will make his grand appearance. I decided to track everyone's votes here on my blog. Besides - I am getting impatient to have this baby and this might help to distract me a little bit! So leave a comment and cast your vote for what day and time you think I will deliver. My due date is March 1st! There will be a prize for whoever comes the closest (without going over of course)!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I have 39 days left... or do I?

Technically - I have 39 days left until my March 1st due date! Wow! But at my doctor's appointment this morning he told me that he would be happy if I delivered when I was 37 or 38 weeks. That is potentially less than 3 weeks from now! He doesn't want to induce but he thinks that the baby is going to be big and he would be happier if he decided to come a few weeks early on his own! Talk about throwing things into perspective. I could basically be a mom within a couple of weeks! Holy moly!!! Of course - my mom used her super special (and always right on) way to calculate when Braylon will be born and she has me down for March 9th!

We went over our "birth plan" and my doctor was in total agreement with all of our wishes. I really love Dr. Murphy! I'm not scared of giving birth - I'm actually fascinated by the whole process of labor and delivery and I am excited to experience it. I think it is going to be amazing. We have invited both of our mom's to be in the room for delivery too. They are both really excited to get to see their first grandson born. I'll be honest - I have a little apprehension about how I will feel doing something so private in front of anyone but Andy but I figure that by the time I am pushing I won't care if the entire cast of Dancing with the stars is in my room! Our mom's are both such amazing and wonderful women and I want them to be a part of the birth.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Answered Prayers

My mom's cancer is GONE!!! I feel so relieved and grateful right now. 2008 was such a rough year for my family. My dad has been recovering from gastric bypass surgery and struggling with his kidney disease, my mom was diagnosed with ovarian cancer and I had to have surgery for pre-cancer of my cervix. All this happened right when Andy and I were trying to get pregnant. We didn't know if we were going to be able to have kids. Now it is 2009. My dad is doing really well, my mom is cancer free, my surgery went great and (just in case you hadn't noticed!) I am pregnant. I feel like this is going to be a great year filled with lots of blessings and happiness. Life can be rough but I think all of the hard times are what make you stronger and appreciative of all of the good things that we have. I've never been big on resolutions but this year I would like to try to focus on the good things in my life: my family and my friends. In the end - that is all that really matters anyway!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Prayer Request

My mom goes to get the results from her cancer screening today. We are praying that today is the day she will find out she is cancer free! If you are so inclined - please say a prayer for her. Thanks!!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Green Mama and gift ideas

I want to be a green mama. Andy calls me a hippie which I think is funny. Anything that is "healthy" or good for the planet earns the "hippie" title in his book. If I buy Sun Chips he calls them hippie chips (and I'm not even sure those are all that healthy). Funny husband! But I seriously try to do things that are not only good for our family but good for the planet. I am going to breastfeed. I am going to use cloth diapers. I have gotten a good chunk of baby items secondhand so that items get used again instead of purchasing new (I especially love all the hand-me-downs!). Today I decided to finally buy thank you gifts for all of my friends who have given me baby showers. They don't know it yet but they are getting these fabulous reusable shopping bags. Extravagant? No. Useful? Heck yeah! I love giving & receiving items that are recycled, handmade or good for our planet. I think these bags make great gifts that will get a ton of use. They fold up super small and will hold about what 2 plastic grocery store bags will - and they are WAY cuter than a grocery store bag! They come in lots of cute patterns and colors and are pretty affordable too. They are made by Envirosax and are available at lots of online stores.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Happy New Year

I hope that you all had wonderful holidays with your loved ones! We had a great trip out to California to see my family. My girlfriends in California threw me an awesome baby shower while we were there too. We had a great time visiting with family and friends and we got lots of the Southern California food that we miss so much! REAL mexican food, In-N-Out burgers and more! I am happy that we were able to go before I got "too" pregnant. Traveling at this point would be totally out of the question even if my doctor told me it was okay - I just am not up to it anymore! Everything is going well with my pregnancy - even better than expected. My amniotic fluid is back within normal levels again which is great news! We had another ultrasound to check on the fluid and on Braylon's size and everything looks great. They said that he weights approximately 4 pounds, 14 ounces right now - no wonder my back is hurting!!! The coolest part of the latest ultrasound was that we could see Braylon's hair! It doesn't look like he has tons of it, but you could see a little bit of spiky hair sticking up off of his head! Way too cool!

The pregancy is great but I am definitely struggling at this point. I don't sleep well, my carpel tunnel is killing me and I am pretty much all around uncomfortable! Thank goodness I only have 7 1/2 weeks until my due date (or 52 days as the floating baby says)! I'm really looking forward to meeting our little guy!